
Presidents Update – July 2024

Published on 5th July 2024 in Members News

The June meeting of the Board considered the usual range of reports, and the Club remains financially stable with a focus on projects that will improve the long-term viability of the Club, as well as enhance the continuing improvement of the golf course and Club amenities. The Match Committee is working on the introduction of a multi-tee format for some competitions, which will enable black marker events off the far back tees, with blue markers to be placed in the middle of tees, and white/red tees remaining much as they are. More information will be provided as changes are finalised. Plans are also being made to provide an all-day Sunday Stableford event that will not interfere with the regular Mixed Golf and Junior Golf programs.

The Board also approved funding for the current financial year:

  1. Turf Nursery development – work has commenced with funding of $7,900.
  2. Practice Fairway – soil and reticulation improvements ($4,900) to be implemented in August-October 2024.
  3. Internal Access Tracks – $10,000 allocated to undertake improvements to existing sand based access roads to Holes 3 and 4 to enable truck access to assist with future path developments without vehicles getting bogged.
  4. Compaction of Bunker faces – Machinery hire $2,000.

This month’s Course report was also considered at the Board meeting, and planning for treatment of the greens with POA and spraying of various fairways to control Kikuyu infestation will soon be undertaken. I encourage all members to read the Course Report on the Club’s webpage to see what other works are being scheduled by our Course Superintendent over the coming months.

The golf season slows a little in the midst of winter with fewer events being held around the Club. Good luck to all our Pennant Teams as the season is now underway. We continue to receive a steady flow of new members, and I trust all members will make the new ones feel most welcome and assist them if they need any information or guidance for their golfing enjoyment.

Remember it’s only a game and enjoy yourself at BGC.


Greg Trevaskis

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