Women’s Pennants
Published on 28th May 2017 in Members News, Women's NewsAces:
24/4/17 Aces played Busselton at Margaret River GC. Aces won match 4/1.
Jo Jones lost 2/1. Annette Coote won 5/3. Mandi Willcocks won 3/1. Jan Palmer won 6/4. Eleece Bambrick won 3/2.
1/5/17 Aces played Margaret River at Capel GC. Aces won match 4/1.
Jo Jones won 2/1. Annette Coote won 3/2. Mandi Willcocks won 2 up. Jane De Paoli lost 5/4. Jan Palmer won 4/3.
8/5/17 Aces played Dunsborough Lakes GC at Busselton GC. Aces won match 4/1.
Jo Jones won 3/2. Annette Coote won 4/3. Jane De Paoli lost 6/4. Mandi Willcocks won 3/1. Jan Palmer won 5/3.
15/5/17 Aces had a bye.
29/5/17 Aces played Capel GC at Dunsborough Lakes GC. Aces won match 4/1.
Jo Jones won 3/2. Annette Coote won 6/4. Mandi Willcocks won 7/5. Jan Palmer lost 1 down. Jane De Paoli won 4/3.
North Mashies:
24/4/17 North Mashies played Bunbury’s North Birdies at Collie GC. North Mashies lost match 3/2.
Del MacNeill won 5/3. Elaine Anderson lost 2/1. Rhonda Zanich won 1 up. Kerry Thomas lost 1 down. Carol Sansoni lost 3/1.
1/5/17 North Mashies played Collie Black at Bunbury GC. North Mashies won 3/2.
Del MacNeill won 2/1. Elaine Anderson won 2/1. Rhonda Zanich was square. Kerry Thomas was square. Denise Stanko lost 2/1.
8/5/17 North Mashies played Donnybrook at Donnybrook GC. North Mashies lost match 3/2.
Del MacNeill won 5/3. Elaine Anderson lost 5/4. Ra Hayes won 4/3. Rhonda Zanich lost 2/1. Kerry Thomas lost 3/1.
15/5/17 North Mashies played Harvey North at Pinjarra GC. North Mashies squared the match.
Del MacNeill lost 3/2. Elaine Anderson won 4/3. Ra Hayes lost 5/3. Rhonda Zanich was square. Maureen Myers won 4/3.
29/5/17 North Mashies played Pinjarra GC at Harvey GC. North Mashies won the match 3/2.
Fiona Tempra won 2/1. Del MacNeill won 5/3. Elaine Anderson lost 2/1. Kate Duke won 2/1. Denise Stanko lost 2 down.
North Birdies:
24/4/17 North Birdies played Bunbury’s North Mashies at Collie GC. North Birdies won match 3/2.
Lorna Hammond lost 5/3. Cathy Gibson won 2/1. Tricia Trevaskis lost 1 down. Kate Duke won 1 up. Lyn Morton won 3/1.
1/5/17 North Birdies played Pinjarra at Bunbury GC. North Birdies won match 4/1.
Anneke Meens lost 1 down. Lorna Hammond won 3/1. Cathy Gibson won 6/4. Tricia Trevaskis won 3/1. Lyn Morton won 5/4.
8/5/17 North Birdies played Harvey at Donnybrook GC. North Birdies lost match 3.5/1.5.
Dee Horrobin lost 3/2. Lorna Hammond lost 9/8. Cathy Gibson was square. Tricia Trevaskis won 3/2. Chris Doe lost 4/3.
15/5/17 North Birdes played Collie at Pinjarra GC. North Birdies lost match 0/5.
Dee Horrobin lost 3/1. Lorna Hammond lost 4/3. Cathy Gibson lost 4/3. Tricia Trevaskis lost 1 down. Chris Doe lost 1 down.
29/5/17 North Birdies played Donnybrook GC at Harvey GC. North Birdies lost match 4/1.
Dee Horrobin lost 3/2. Cathy Gibson lost 3/2. Lorna Hammond lost 4/3. Lyn Morton lost 3/2. Chris Doe won 2/1.
**Please note North Birdies had to give a total of 54 shots for this game – after three players competed in the 36 hole Mixed Foursomes yesterday!!
South Chippers:
24/4/17 South Chippers played combo team of Boyup Brook and Bridgetown in Collie. South Chippers lost match 4/1.
Akiko Hashimoto lost 4/3. Lorraine Martin lost 5/4. Nira Hodgins lost 2/1. Rose Norton lost 4/3. Melinda Tagney won 4/3.
1/5/17 South Chippers played Capel at Bunbury GC. South Chippers won match 3/2.
Akiko Hashimoto was square. Lorraine Martin won 4/3. Rebecca Lyon won 6/4. Rose Norton was square. Melinda Tagney lost 7/5.
8/5/17 South Chippers played Harvey at Busselton GC. South Chippers lost match 3/2.
Akiko Hashimoto lost 2/1. Lorraine Martin lost 5/3. Rebecca Lyon won 3/1. Rose Norton lost 1 down. Melinda Tagney won 1 up.
15/5/17 South Chippers played Collie at Capel GC. South Chippers lost match 3/2.
Akiko Hashimoto won 7/6. Lorraine Martin lost 3/2. Rebecca Lyon won 4/3. Rose Norton lost 2/1. Melinda Tagney lost 2/1.
29/5/17 South Chippers played Busselton GC at Harvey GC. South Chippers lost match 4.5 to .5.
Akiko Hashimoto was square. Rebecca Lyon lost 1 down. Maureen Myers lost 4/3. Rose Norton lost 3/2. Last game was forfeited by BGC.
South Eagles:
24/4/17 South Eagles played Dunsborough Lakes GC in Margaret River. South Eagles lost match 3.5/1.5.
Faye Fyfe won 2 up. Marilyn Littlewood lost 6/4. Jackie Kohlman lost 2 down. Sheila Byrne was square. Delma Fraser lost 7/6.
1/5/17 South Eagles played Augusta at Augusta GC. South Eagles lost match 4/1.
Faye Fyfe won 2/1. Marilyn Littlewood lost 4/2. Jackie Kohlman lost 2/1. Sheila Byrne lost 3/2. Delma Fraser lost 6/4.
8/5/17 South Eagles played Margaret River GC at Busselton GC. South Eagles lost match 3/2.
Faye Fyfe won 1 up. Marilyn Littlewood lost 4/2. Jackie Kohlman lost 2/1. Sheila Byrne won 6/5. Delma Fraser lost 3/1.
15/5/17 South Eagles played Busselton White at Bunbury Golf Club. South Eagles won match 3.5/1.5.
Faye Fyfe won 4/3. Jackie Kohlman lost 4/2. Sheila Byrne won 2/1. Delma Fraser won 3/2. Denise Stanko was square.
29/5/17 South Eagles played Dunsborough Country Club GC at Dunsborough Lakes GC.
South Eagles won the match as Dunsborough Country Club was disqualified as the team played off the incorrect slope rating.