

Published on 21st May 2018 in Members News, Women's News


ACES played Capel GC at Dunsborough Lakes CC.  Aces won the match 5/0.

Jo Jones won 5/4.  Jan Palmer won 8/7.  Annette Coote won 1 up.  Mandi Willcocks won 7/6.  Eleece Bambrick won 7/6.

ACES won the SWDLGA Division 1 Shield – back to back and undefeated!

BIRDIES played Bunbury EAGLES at Harvey GC.  Birdies won the match 4/1.

Julie Rashbrook def Therese Smith 7/5.Nira Hodgins def Rose Norton 1 up.  Kerry Thomas and Jacky Kohlmann halved.  Lyn Morton def Del Ambrosius 5/4.  Chris Doe and Sheila Byrne halved.

CHIPPERS played Dunsborough Lakes CC at Dunsborough Lakes CC.  Chippers lost the match 1.5/3.5

Jane Anderson lost 2/1. Wendy Joyce won 4/2.  Jackie Larsen lost 6/5.  Rebecca Lyon was square.  Maureen Myers lost 6/4.


ACES played Dunsborough Lakes CC at Margaret River GC.  Aces won the match 3/2.

Jo Jones won 1 up.  Jane De Paoli lost 2/1.  Desi Gardiner won 5/3.  Jan Palmer lost 2 down.  Annette Coote won 1 up.

EAGLES played Harvey Black GC at Pinjarra GC.  Eagles lost the match 4/1.

Eleece Bambrick lost 6/4.  Wendy Lander won 4/2.  Rose Norton lost 7/5.  Jacky Kohlmann lost 1 down.  Del Ambrosius lost 1 down.

BIRDIES played Busselton White GC at Pinjarra GC.  Birdies lost the match 4.5/.5

Julie Rashbrook square.  Tricia Trevaskis lost 2 down.  Lyn Morton lost 3/1.  Chris Doe lost 5/4.  Maree Courtney lost 2/1.

CHIPPERS played Augusta GC at Margaret River GC.  Chippers lost the match 4.5/.5

Jane Anderson lost 4/2.  Lorna Hammond lost 4/3  Wendy Joyce lost 3/2.  Rebecca Lyon lost 4/2.  Maureen Myers square.

MASHIES played Donnybrook GC at Collie GC.  Mashies won the match 3/2.  (Team had to give 14 strokes).

Del MacNeill won 4/3.  Dee Horrobin lost 1 down. Zelda Meads lost 2/1.  Annmarie Hickey won 6/4. Carol Sansoni won 7/5..


ACES had a bye.

EAGLES played Serpentine GC at Serpentine GC.  Eagles lost the match 5/0.  (Sand greens).

Wendy Lander lost 4/2.  Rose Norton lost 6/4.  Jacky Kohlmann lost 3/2.  Del Ambrosius lost 2 down.  Sheila Byrne lost 3/2.

BIRDIES played Pinjarra GC at Serpentine GC.  Birdies lost the match 5/0.  (Sand greens).

Julie Rashbrook lost 4/3.  Tricia Trevaskis lost 2/1.  Kerry Thomas lost 4/3.  Lyn Morton lost 5/3.  Chris Doe lost 1 down.

CHIPPERS played Dunsborough Lakes GC at Augusta GC.  Chippers lost the match 4.5/.5 (Sand greens).

Jane Anderson lost 8/5.  Maureen Myers lost 7/6.  Rebecca Lyon lost 2 down.  Lyn Richards lost 2 down.  Judy Dempster square.

MASHIES played Capel GC at Bunbury GC.  Mashies won the match 3/2.

Lorna Hammond lost 2 down.  Dee Horrobin won 3/1. Ra Hayes won 4/3.  Maree Courtney lost 5/4. Irene Back won 1 up.


ACES played Margaret River GC at Busselton GC.  Aces won the match 4/1.

Desi Gardiner lost 6/5.  Annette Coote won 4/3.  Mandi Willcocks won 6/5.  Jane De Paoli won 5/4. Jan Palmer won 5/3.

EAGLES played Pinjarra GC at Bunbury GC.  Eagles won the match 4/1.

Wendy Lander lost 5/3.  Therese Smith won 3/2.  Del Ambrosius won 1 up.  Jacky Kohlmann won 4/2.  Sheila Byrne won 4/3.

BIRDIES played Harvey GC at Bunbury GC.  Birdies won the match 4/1.

Julie Rashbrook won 1 up.  Tricia Trevaskis won 2 up.  Nira Hodgins won 2/1.  Kerry Thomas lost 7/6.  Chris Doe won 5/3.

MASHIES played Harvey GC at Harvey GC.  Mashies lost the match 3/2.

Del MacNeill lost 8/7.  Zelda Meads lost 5/4.  Elaine Anderson won 1 up.   Ann Marie Hickey won 3/1.  Carol Sansoni lost 2 down.

CHIPPERS played  Margaret River GC at Bunbury GC.  Chippers won the match 4.5/.5.

Jane Anderson square.  Wendy Joyce won 3/1.  Maureen Myers won 2/1.  Lyn Richards won 6/4.  Judy Dempster won 1 up.


ACES played Busselton GC at Capel GC.  Aces won the match 4/1.

Desi Gardiner won 2 up.  Annette Coote lost 3/2.  Jane De Paoli won 2 up.  Mandi Willcocks won 3/2.  Jan Palmer won 6/4.

EAGLES played Busselton GC White at Busselton.  Eagles squared the match.

Wendy Lander lost 5/4.  Therese Smith won 4/2.  Rose Norton lost 3/2.  Jacky Kohlmann won 1 up.  Sheila Byrne square.

BIRDIES played Serpentine GC at Busselton GC.  Birdies lost the match 1.5/3.5.

Julie Rashbrook square.  Tricia Trevaskis lost 6/4.  Kerry Thomas lost 5/4.  Elaine Anderson lost 4/2.  Chris Doe won 3/1.

MASHIES played Collie GC at Capel GC.  Mashies lost the match 3/2.

Del MacNeill lost 5/3.  Dee Horrobin lost 5/4.  Zelda Meads won 1 up.  Carol Sansoni won 4/3. Ann Marie Hickey lost 2/1.

CHIPPERS played Busselton Blue at Busselton GC.  Chippers lost the match 1.5/3.5.

Jane Anderson lost 6/5.  Wendy Joyce lost 2/1.  Maureen Myers square.  Rebecca Lyon won 7/6.  Judy Dempster lost 5/4.

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