
Presidents Update – August

Published on 2nd August 2024 in Members News
I think we have had enough rain in July. Amazing how our course stands up to the conditions with most of the wet not preventing golf being played. A testament to the natural drainage of the course, the SOD squad and our excellent grounds keepers. Work is underway to improve the soil, turf health and condition of our greens through targeted testing, fertilisation, aeration, and application of new products to control the Poa Annua which will provide further improvements over the coming months. See the Course Superintendent’s July update for further details.
Work has also been underway to improve; the turf nursery, soil and reticulation of the practice fairway (Aug – Oct), forming and shaping of internal access tracks are now completed and toilet upgrade Hole 6/15 is almost finished. Special mention to Alan Grist, Director of Grounds for his ongoing efforts to deliver these projects and Ned Golem for his help to tile the much needed upgrade of the Course toilets. Another great example of Ned’s generosity to help maintain the Club’s facilities. Thanks Ned.

Special mention to our MENS Div 6 team who travelled to Lakelands to play Mosman Park in the Division and had a great 4/2 win with just a 5 man line up. Congratulations to our other Divisions 1,4 & 5 for another gallant season with great representation of our club. It was enjoyable to watch some of the teams play here in Bunbury a couple of weeks back – tough competition. Well done to all who participated in the pennant season.

The Board is also giving some consideration to reducing the number of Board members by one position to 7 (currently 8 Board positions), the introduction of a Director of Women’s Golf (in place the Women’s President position). This would allow a quorum of the Board to be 4 rather than 5. The Board would retain the requirement for at least two Directors to be female and at least two male Directors. A seven member Board provides for an odd number (when all members are in attendance) and enables a decision to be made without the President required to use his/her casting vote in the event of a tied vote. The Board has not finalised its position and any proposed changes would need to be approved by a majority of members at the Annual General Meeting. The changes align with the flexibility for any position on the Board being held by a female member or male. Anyone can be the President, Vice President, Captain or Director of Grounds etc. All members are encouraged to consider these changes and provide feedback by discussion with any Board member or by email to the General Manager. The changes would provide a new Board to be represented as follows:

1.  President/Chairperson

2.  Vice President

3.  Director of Finance

4.  Club Captain

5.  Director of Grounds

6.  Director of Women’s Golf – (for all women’s golf and not only President of Wednesday ladies events)

7.  Director


On a final note. My daughter Luci’s partner is representing Australia in Field Hockey at the Olympics. His name is Blake Govers – No 13. Blake enjoys his golf and loves the BGC layout. Luci is in Paris cheering on. Hope you can barrack hard for the Kookaburras with me.

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