
President’s Update – June

Published on 25th May 2024 in Members News

I believe this year’s South West Open was a great success. We managed to attract a strong field of touring pros from across the country as well as WA’s leading amateurs. The event was challenged with a serious downpour that threatened to seriously damage the course on the preceding Thursday, and there was also an unexpected power outage at the precise moment everyone at the Sportsman Dinner was sitting down for dinner, later that same day. However, with the assistance of our grounds team the course was quickly rehabilitated and our kitchen staff were well prepared to ensure candles provided emergency lighting and the meal was presented without delay – hot and delicious as always. What great staff we have! The Club received lots of praise from players, visitors and members who enjoyed the event, activities, meals and facilities on offer. This year’s SW Open will achieve a reasonable profit of approximately $5000 plus additional revenue from the bar and kitchen. In my view the SW Open provides a number of additional benefits to the BGC. It continues a long history of attracting professional golf players to our City to promote golf for our region; further employment opportunities for our staff; reaffirms BGC as a leader within the golf industry especially in the south west; and, with the help of our generous sponsors and volunteers the SW Open is recognised as possibly the best run event of its type anywhere in Australia. Surely that is something all members can be proud of?


The Board recently received a presentation from Peta Van Wyk, Junior Coordinator in relation to junior golf development initiatives for the 60 junior golfers at BGC. Peta provided an update on the junior golf program, in particular, efforts to promote junior golf, and scholarship opportunities for juniors to improve their skills and coaching programs. Plans are underway for the greens at holes 3 and 10 to be resurfaced later this year. Improvements to the adjacent paths will also included in a total budget of $35,000 for this work. A proposal to plant Norfolk Pines and large bushy conifers along Hole 3 to improve screening will be implemented in June. Planning is also underway to refurbish the course toilet within a budget of $7500.


On a sadder note I acknowledge the recent passing of long term member Joan Barron. Joan was a much loved person who had many friends within the golf club. She was a member for nearly 30 years and her vibrant presence will be very much missed. Our sincere condolences to Joan’s family and friends.

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